Bio-One of Plano decontamination and biohazard cleaning services

Failure Is Another Word For...

Let’s talk about the word failure. It has such a negative connotation associated with it. Nobody wants to fail. That means you’re not good enough and you couldn’t live up to the expectations. The problem with this word is that it’s seen as a dead end. You’ve failed and that’s it. However, if you rethink your paradigm, failure is just part of the process. It’s not a wall, it’s the speed bump that sends you in the right direction. It’s like they say, “You wouldn’t even know the good is without the bad,” right?

I want you to start thinking of failure as a crucial step in success. If you don’t fail, you won’t learn how to do something correctly, which direction to take, or how to avoid unnecessary outcomes as you continue forward. You need to start asking yourself, “What can I fail at today?” All this means is what have you tried and thus what have you learned. Kids would never learn to walk, read and write if they didn’t fail at it first. It’s necessary right? Of course you have to fall to walk. Everyone knows that. Stop thinking of failure as….failure! It’s just another word for first-hand knowledge. It means you’re not done yet. You can’t fail if keep going.

So keep going and fail! Find out something new and seek out those learning moments.

As always,

You hold the key

If you know of someone in need of our services, please take a look at our locations to find the nearest Bio-One office near you. Stay safe!

When things get tough and you have a bad day and it feels like the pressure of the world is on your shoulders, you've got to give yourself a little perspective that people would die to be in your situation. Now I know that's not sexy and some people want to wallow in their own misery and I get that is human nature.  

At any moment I'm a firm believer that you can you can find something to be rejoyceful for. You can find something to be happy about. You can find something to be grateful about. See because what you focus on is where your feelings are. Focus equals feelings. I talked about this in a prior podcast Focus equals feelings. So if you're focusing on what a terrible day you had and how unfair things were, guess what? It's going to seem like a really bad day and everything's just unfair. If you focus on what's right in this world what's right in your life, how grateful you are of the person next to you, how grateful you are that your kids love you and adore you, how grateful you are that you have running water, how about that for some perspective? 

Perspective is probably one of the biggest things that you can master in this world. Master perspective, keep your life centered. Keep moving forward. You hold the key. 

If you know of someone in need of our services, please take a look at our locations to find the nearest Bio-One office near you. Stay safe!

We have two major components of ourselves, our body and mind. You may hear about exercise, movement and keeping your body healthy but does anyone talk to you about protecting your mind? Your mind is just as important as your body and requires care and protection in its own way. 

I tell people stay out of your own head, it's a dangerous place. Conversely, have you ever gotten to a situation that you were sitting around maybe day dreaming and you just got yourself in a good mood? Maybe you're thinking about the person that you love, maybe your kids, you just felt really good. Just a simple thought. 

That's what I find is that you listen to yourself more than you think so the problem is is we don't consciously think about that. We don't think about the fact that we listen to ourselves and we are led by ourselves or from ourselves more than anybody else in the world. You have the power to change your mood in instant by simply thinking and focusing on one thing or another. It's truly that simple. Most people don't think of it that way they let the outside world really influence them. 

You need to guard your mind guard your mind every single day fill it with the right stuff good stuff not propaganda.

If you know of someone in need of our services, please take a look at our locations to find the nearest Bio-One office near you. Stay safe!

Have you heard of Maslow's hierarchy of needs? Here's another take on this idea. There are 6 human needs that humans require in life. 

1. Certainty - You need to be certain you know where your next meal comes from, that your spouse loves you, that you'll do your morning routine every morning. You have to be certain of some things in life. 

2. Uncertainty (variety) - Why do crave variety? We're looking for that unknown, that change, that new stimulus. We're looking for that that unknown moment. Variety is the spice of life. Isn't that what makes life, life? That fact that you could walking down the street and meet the person who will change your life forever is what we live for.

3. Significance - We spend more money in this category than on any other thing in our lives. This is because you will spend money to feel imporant, unique, valued and special. Why buy a luxury car when you can get a commuter? It's because you can and it makes you feel worthy. Why does your neighbor ride his bike to work instead of drive? It's because helping the environment and his body might be what gives him value. Signifance is value and how you accept this and portray this in your life. 

4. Love and Connection - We all need love, but many settle for connection. You can have a connection with someone you meet at starbucks or you can even treat people you should love like a connection. This is because love has consquences. You can get hurt with love and that's scary. Never pass up the chance for love over a connection.

5. Growth - Growth is crucial for moving forward. This can be personal, business, or growth in a relationship. If we stand still too long we become complacent and bored. Progressing will keeping you from falling behind, developing drepression, and just living a life you don't want. Nurture the things you love and care about and make it your passion.

6. Contribution - Humans need others, we know this from our strong desire for love and connection. Love isn't just about receiving. It's a two way street and giving to others is as equally rewarding. The more you give, the more you receive. People will appreciate your kindness and thoughtfullness. 

If you know of someone in need of our services, please take a look at our locations to find the nearest Bio-One office near you. Stay safe!

You can have two things in life, excuses or results. You can't have both. 

You have to phrase it this way, "Whatever it is in my life that's most important isn't more important than this excuse I'm about ready to give myself." The thing is, you can try to fool yourself but everyone else can see through your excuse. 

Excuses are not to be confused with reasons. Valid reasons are important and worth honoring. However, if you just wanted to watch one more show, don't fool yourself. You can make things happen, it's not about time. It's about priorities. Try saying, "I didn't prioritize this," instead of "I didn't have time." 

When you start to change the way you talk about excuses, time, and priorities, you might just start to change how you live your life.

You hold the key. 

If you know of someone in need of our services, please take a look at our locations to find the nearest Bio-One office near you. Stay safe!

Who is your biggest critic? Is it your neighbor, your colleague, your spouse? Many of us become our own worst enemy when it comes to getting things done. 

Overthinking can prevent you from even starting. What if it goes wrong? What if I fail? What if no one understands? Well you won't ever find out unless you give it a shot. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Get out of your head and start trying! Do your research, put in the time and effort and be persistent. You have to do good work, and most importantly, have faith and confidence in yourself. If you're not willing to fight for yourself, who will? 

You can do this! You lose if you don't try so stop thinking, start doing. Have a plan and stick to it. 

You hold the key. 

If you know of someone in need of our services, please take a look at our locations to find the nearest Bio-One office near you. Stay safe!

A lot of people get sucked into a life simply by putting one foot in front of the other. I would like to challenge you to live life on your own terms. Find out how much salt you're really worth. Design your life, maybe sit down to write some goals right now. If you could have anything at anytime what would it be? Do you have six-month goals, three-year goals? 

You don't have to live the life you walked into. You can design it to be whatever you want it to be. You just have to do one thing - become accountable. It's one thing to make excuses to the public - your boss, your friends, your partner, but if you are lying and making excuses to yourself there isn't any hope. You have to become accountable for the things you do. If you succeeded, great! That was you! If you failed, even better. Now you have something to learn from. Own that failure as much as your success. Ask yourself if you could have done better and then fix it. Own your successes and your failures. People rely on you and if they don't, you rely on you. Even if you're just doing this for yourself and no one else, figure out why you're doing it. Don't say I want a million dollars just to have it, know what's driving you. Know what your motivation is because when you start to be come accountable, successful, and maybe life is actually get easy, what is keeping you hungry? 

If you can't answer the why or don't have any goals, take some time and figure this out. Don't shoot without your aim. Let your why drive you and your accountability be the gas. Do better. Be better. You have it in you.

You hold the key.

Bio-One Audio Files Podcast

If you know of someone in need of our services, please take a look at our locations to find the nearest Bio-One office near you. Stay safe!

Did you know fifty percent of startups fail within the first two years and fifty percent of startups fail just as a whole? Sixty six percent of all companies fail within 10 years. These are staggering numbers! Here are the TOP 5 REASONS WHY BUSINESSES FAIL, according to our founder, Nick-Anthony Zamucen.

5. There's not a market for your business - people think they're going to create something out of thin air. 

4. People don't have the right team surrounding them - you need an array of people doing it better than you whom you can get ideas and advice from. Take advantage of others' knowledge so you don't make unnecessary mistakes.

3. Losing focus - things become to easy and people become complacent. They lose the hunger and the drive to continue. 

2. Expanding too quickly with too little capital - this can be overcome, however, more commonly this is problematic. 

1. You - while outside factors of course play a role, there's always something you can do to get around a problem. Your accountability will lead you to success. If you can accept accountability you can honestly ask yourself what can I do better and how can I fix what needs to be fixed. 

If you want to hear the full podcast, check out the episode Top 5 Reasons Businesses Fail on Itunes: 

Listen Here

If you know of someone in need of our services, please take a look at our locations to find the nearest Bio-One office near you. Stay safe!

Bio-One has released a new podcast featuring our founder, Nick-Anthony Zamucen! In this podcast, Nick-Anthony takes us on a journey of all things Bio-One, crime and trauma scene cleaning, and business related. He talks about everything from how to market in this industry to how to get out of your own head and start living. 

Get all the inside tips on the crime scene industy and advice for being successful in your own life. 

Download and listen now on iTunes! Bio-One Audio Files

Follow us on instagram @BioOneInc to see what's going on with Bio-One and quotes/lessons from Bio-One Audio Files! 

As Nick-Anthony always says, you hold the key.

bio one audio files cover

If you know of someone in need of our services, please take a look at our locations to find the nearest Bio-One office near you. Stay safe!